Thursday, 5 November 2009

I've got a new toy!!

Can you guess what it is?

How about now? Anyone?

Ok ok I'll tell you the story..........


have a lovely evening everyone.


VintageVicki said...

I know what that is - my sister has one or two ;)

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

Hmmmmm I have some ideas!

Victoria xxx

made with love said...

Don't know but it looks interesting. tell us please.
Rachael xx

Martha's Favorites said...

Is it an organ? Please tell. Blessings, Martha

Unknown said...

Is it a knitting machine?
Anyhow thanks for offering to sign up for my swap - I have paired you up with the lovely Kate at
Please pop over and say hi!

Joey said...

Lol erm not a chance my guessing skills are rubbish! lol.x

Thankyou so much for your kind words and support over my Niall it means alot hun.

Kelly said...

Oh oh!!! I know what it is!!!!! I want one!!!