Hiya how are we all today? Are we all surviving the half term week OK so far lol? Right firstly I would like to do a few thankyou's. Firstly for all of you who left birthday wishes for river, that was very sweet of you and second a big thank you for everyone who entered into my little giveaway. Oh and a big hello there to all of you newbies you are of course very welcome guests. eh?...... What do ya mean get on with it........ oh OK then......
Well I haven't got a pretty vintage tin or a hat so will a pretty pink bowl do.... ... Yep.. ok then so we did all the writing of names, and folding of paper.... ........ And gave it a bit of a stir............
.... And ......
......... and the winner is .........
And for those of you that can't see through Grubby boy fingers lol....
THE WINNER IS ......MADE WITH LOVE....... Well done hunni If you could email me your snail mail address I'll send him packing as soon as possible.
OK I'm off to put somebody to bed now, I'll speak to you all again soon
Hello my name is ..... well I haven't got a name and what's even worse than that is I Haven't got a home either !!
If you think you can provide a loving home for me the here's what you have to do. Post my picture on the sidebar of your blog with the heading " help find bunny a home" and link it back to my blog. Once you've done that come back and leave me a comment. Then on Wednesday the 28Th October we will pull a name out of the hat. It's as simple as that.
Well these two seem to be just a little mischevious. I'm not quite sure how they got up there but I do know that they wern't quite so keen to get down hehehe.
Hiya How are we all on what is yet another wet, dull day.
Yesterday I promised you all that I would show you something that I was a tad excited about so I thought I'd grab a few minutes this evening to tell you about it.
On Sunday we got a bit of de junking done in the garden, plastic flower pot's that accumulate and that deflated football that's been left on the lawn and the junk that just seems to breed in the shed, you know the sort of thing. So anyway by the time we had finished we had about a trailer full so we headed off to the tip. Whilst we were separating out rubbish one skip for wood one for cardboard I spotted.....
As hubby came back towards the car he looked at me and mumbled something to the effect of "You've spotted it haven't you" "yep" I said looking at him with my I want it eye's hehehe. With that hubby turned and walked towards one of the staff and I got into the car where River was sat quite happily watching the digger squashing down the rubbish. Next thing I knew Hubby was loading it into the trailer. Hubby had asked if he could buy it and the man said that he wasn't allowed to sell anything but that if he was quick he wouldn't see him taking it.
So Do you want to take a closer look at my new treasure / project?
are you sure?
OK then I took a couple of snaps for you.....
What do you think? Isn't that just the best winter project? It needs a small amount to wood work, the hinges needs to be put back on the front and a fair bit of painting and decorating needs doing so hopefully this will be a project that both hubby and I can do together. As I said I'm quite excited about getting started on it and I'll try and keep you updated with our progress along the way.
Oh and a quick chicken update Both Lola and Lotta are settling in well they've had great fun in today's rather damp weather digging up those tasty worms and eating every blade of grass in sight. I'll try and get some pic's tomorrow.
Anyway that's about it for now I'll try and show you some makes tomorrow.
Hiya Just a quick one today to let you know that our lovely hen's are home safe and sound. Would you like to take a quick peek before we settle them down? Ok then I'll introduce you ...........
Ok so here they are. We have lola ( the red one on the left) and lotta ( the black one on the right). We have to keep them in their house now for 24 hours to let them settle in before we let them out to play but I'm sure there will be a few more pic's for you to see after that if your interested.
Well that's about it for tonight I'll try and get back online tomorrow as I've got something else I'm a little excited about that I have to show you.
Hiya how are we all today, hope were all well. apologies for yet another unintentional bloggy breakwe took the caravan off to birmingham for a few day's but to make up for it I've come back with a few holiday snap's and I have some new's to share with you but more about that later.
Well as I said we headed off to birmingham last week, can you guess where we spent a day ......
..... Um yes that is a rather large helping of chocolate dribbled down his jumper hehehe....
And of course we had to make a return trip to see this cheeky chappy and his friends ......
We also spent a day at the black country museum complete with crochet blankets , rag rug's knitted dishcloths and teacosy ....
And for the last day of our holiday we went to visit these lovely girls (and boys)
And fell in love with these little darlings ....
Which brings me nicely to my little bit of new's. On the way home we spotted a sign that read FREE RANGE CHICKENS FOR SALE READY NOW!!! so naturally we stopped just to take a look you understand hehehe. Well by the time we left we had picked two hen's put a deposit down on them and even named them lol. So hubby has been extra busy this week building a hen house and an enclosure and fingers crossed all we be ready so we can go and pick them up on sunday. I must say I'm a tad excited by it all and really can not wait to get them home. I'll be sure to take some pic's to share with you as soon as they've settled in and if any of you guy's have any tip's or advice on keeping hen's I'd be very grateful.
I must get off now as bed time for my little one is getting closer and closer I'll try not to leave it too long before my next post I do have a couple of make's to share with you. Speak to you all agan soon