Thursday, 12 February 2009

And the winner is

Hiya every one
Just a quick one today because I've still got such a lot to do before we go away on monday.
So anyway I've been on the random number generator thingy and it tell's me that the winner of my little giveaway is.......

.............. Comment number 2 ...........

Who is the lovely MEL MEL

Well done hunni if you can email me asap with your addy I'll try my best to get your goodies posted out before we go.

Right then I had better get back to it. I'll try and post again before we go to show you what we've been up to.


Wednesday, 4 February 2009

snow, cookies and a giveaway

How are we all doing with all this snow? River was up bright and early yesterday morning shouting " it's snowing mummy, It's snowing Daddy" I don't think he's ever seen so much snow.
Hubby decided to take the day off and so much fun was had by all...

... But when we got up this morning much of our snow had turned to ice and slush River and I decided to do some indoors stuff and so these choc chip cookies were born....

There were 12 but hey who can resist a chocolate chip cookie hehehe and I'm sure there will be a lot less once hubby gets home lol

Anyway, The bit you've all been waiting for " My Blog birthday giveaway" I've been giving this a lot of thought. Some of my bloggy friends are card makers, some stitchers and others just like pretty things. So what on earth should I give away lol. Well I've come to the conclusion that I should just do the giveaway and decide what goodies to send when I know who's won (does that make sense?).
So all you need to do is the usual leave me a comment and I'll put your name in the draw. I will leave this open until next Wednesday midday and will draw the winner sometime Wednesday night.
Good luck everyone and I'll speak to you all again soon