Friday, 28 November 2008

not a lot !!!!

Sorry I haven't blogged a lot lately (did you miss me lol) I have been busy with one thing and another but can't show you a lot of it Just yet ( christmas pressies). So I really don't have anything at all to show you sob sob...
... anyway what I really popped on to tell you was that were off on our travel's again tomorrow afternoon. Were leaving River with his Granny ( thanks granny it's much appreciated) and hubby and I are off up to dornoch for two nights to celebrate our first anniversary. We'll be flying back down late Tuesday night but then River and I are off up to my mum's first thing Wednesday morning to do the whole christmas thing ( and a bit of shopping hehehe)then we'll arrive back home sometime saturday. So all in all it's gonna be a busy week but I'm sure we'll enjoy it.
I promise to make up for the lack of blogging when we get back and I'm sure I'll have Lot's of picture's to show you.
Speak to you all soon

Friday, 14 November 2008

yesterday's doings

Just popped on a bit quick to show you what river and I got up to yesterday afternoon.
Firstly we had our little baking session....

Yummy cheesy buiscuits. Unfortunatly there aint many left hehehe.

Oh and do you remember our little walk in the wood's? yes, well here's what we did with our collection of leaves...

Anyway that's it for now except to say that you really must go take a look at
jellybelly*jellybrain's Blog She's having a bit of a compitition you see and I really must win those yummy goodies lol.

Anyway I'm off i'll speak to you all soon

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

I told you I'd be back didn't I

Ok so on the weekend in between terrentual downpoors and gale forse winds we did manage to take a little walk out in the wood's.

So we put on our wellies.....

and set off on our little mission to collect some leave's....

So now we have a bag full of slightly soggy but very colourful leaves drying our ready to use in river's little craft session this week ( oh and we'll be making cheesy biscuits tomorrow so watch this space lol)

A little while back ( well actually a couple of months back I just didin't want to admit that I am so disorganised lol) I was lucky enough to recieve a copy of...

from ginny over at the flour loft It's her first published book and in my humble opinion it's a great book for both beginners and the slightly more advanced. It's full of lovely little projects....

Anyway the reason that I've waited so long to tell you about all this is that I wanted to make something out of the book to show you and well here they are ....

Ta da lol what do ya think? I went for the linen with a splash of colour look and I think it worked quite well.

Any way that's it for now I'm afraid. I have completed a couple of other projects over the last few day's but they are gifts for people who peek at my blog so I cant post any pic's Just yet.
I'm off I'll speak to you all soon

Go take a look at this

I've just been bloghopping again and came across this fab giveaway.
Dana over at old red barn
Is giving away three georgeous quilts to three different poeople.

I'll be back later to show you what we've been up to
see ya later.

Thursday, 6 November 2008

cake's, trips away, christmas and a bit

Sorry it's been a little while since I last posted but to make up for that I have got lot's to show you so go and put the kettle on cause I've got the cake lol.

Some of you may know that river celebrated his third birthday at the end of the month so I had a go at making a birthday cake and ..... well... what do ya think?

I've decorated cupcake's before but never anything as big as this one but I quite enjoyed doing it and river thought it was great so I surpose that's the main thing.

Keeping to the cake theme I've been having a go at knitting some cupcake's and donut's. I haven't quite cracked it yet but here are my first attemts.

to celebrate river's birthday we took a little trip to Gent in belgum it was rather wet and cold most of the time we were there but we still had a great time....

We took a little boat trip along the canals and looked at some of the site's and took a few picture's with river's class teddy for their little scrapbook.
Oh and I'm not usually one for advetising but we stayed in a lovely little b & b, She's only got two room's but she's definatly going for quality rather than quantity.
It's little thing's like home made jam's and fresh bread and fruit juice in the mornings and taking the time to get the map's out and show us the best place's to go and of course nice clean room's and comfy bed's. If your ever planning on going to Gent please take a look at I'm sure you won't be disappointed. ( No I'm not getting commission for this lol)

Anyway what's next.... oh yeah.... I started a litle cross stitch project whilst we were away so here it is all finished...

... Not sure what I'm gonna use it for yet Maybe a little stocking filler for someone.

A little while back I won a giveaway over at 23 beech hill and when we got back from our little trip away I found a little parcel on the doormat ( sorry I forgot to take piccie's of the parcel lol) and here's what I got...

Aint those little cupcake's just the cutest. So a big thankyou for my lovely cupcake's ( I did email her previously)I love them all.

Ok so now we've got river's birthday past I feel that now's the time to be thinking about christmas so ......

My christmas quilt got finished .... and .....

I altered a paint tin and filled it with goodies ( Just three more of these to do)

And I also got these made .....

There will be some more christmas card making going on in the next couple of week's and I alway's manage to make too many so Anyone who is interested in buying (or swaping) any of my christmas cards please feel free to email me on and I'm sure we can make some arrangements.

Ok so last but not least have we all seen these little cutie's...

(picture stolen from quilty's corner's blog "sorry")
The very nice lady over at quilty's corner has shared her knitting pattern so we can create our very own cute little ziggy's and I just couldn't resist so he is....

He was quite quick to make so a little Boing might come and join him at some point
( ooops that's another thing to add to my very loooooong list of thing's to make lol)

Anyway I think I have probably boared you enough now so I'll be off and I'll speak to you all soon.