We were a little naughty on thursday. It was such a lovely day we shut up shop and headed off to the beach.
We were blessed with nice weather for the whole day and I we all thouroughly enjoyed ourselves and we even managed to squeeze in a trip to the craft shop nearby lol
When we got home hubby and river decided that they wanted to got blackberry picking. So off they went in there wellies and came back and hour later with a bowl full of beries ( Hubby said they would of had loads more but river decided to try and wash them in the brook hehehe)
So anyway after a bit of team effort we've ended up with several jars of ...
Ummmm I wonder how long it'll last in our house lol
Oh and I finished another bookmark last night ...
He hasn't got a home yet but I'm sure he'll find one soon
Anyway that's about it for now I'll speak to you all again soon